301 Class Fourteen Reading Notes “Diversity & Inclusion in the Tech Industry”
What occurred during the same time as the beginning of the decline of women in computer science? Home computers became more accesible.
Why does it matter that males had been playing on computers growing up? Because they were more familiar with computers than their average female counterpart and found success easier than most their female counterparts…
I never would have thought about this and it certainly was NOT the case in my house where the girls played on the computer while the boys played on the Nintendo…But we certainly could have been an outlier household
More Questions
When are diversity efforts most successful? When they are driven by a real commitment from company leaders… From the top down.
Why do diverse companies perform better? Because they are smarter and more creative which leads to better output.
Give an example of how a diverse company can serve a diverse user base or vise-versa. The example from the article was funny to me because my wife is “broken” handed as she calls it because everything is designed for righties. That example was youTube’s right-handed dev team didn’t think enough about how thier video upload system would affect left handed people and it resulted in 5-10% of video’s being upside down.
Why diversity matters to your tech company